Tunneling nonel detonators

Delayed nonel detonators for work with nearby boreholes are detonators that initiate the explosive without the risk of the activation of another detonator on the circuit at the wrong time. Each detonator comes with a built-in delay and clips connection; the circuit is connected by detonator cord for activation of the full circuit.

Use options

Delayed nonel detonators can be use for all types of work
Use in areas where there is static electricity risk (lightning, power pylons, etc.)
Use in areas where there is high humidity
Use in metallic areas (areas where the rock contains metals)


  • Excellent water resistance
  • Optimal delay control
  • Rapid clip connection saves charging time
  • Safe: is not affected by static electricity friction or blows
  • Easy and convenient to use and transport

Sensitivity and initiation

Delayed nonel detonators are very safe to use because they are not affected by static electricity. The detonators can be initiated either by 10 gr/m detonator cord or by a detonator.

Safety and transportation

Nonel detonators can be transported and used pursuant to Explosives (Trade, Transportation, Manufacture, Storage, and Use) Regulations, 5754-1994

Technical data

Short delay - 20 detonators in a sequence with a 25- millisecond delay (25-500 milliseconds in total)
Long delay – 90 detonators in a sequence with 100-millisecond delay (100-9,000 milliseconds in total)


Delayed detonators can be ordered at any length longer than 1.5 meters


It is possible to combine two kinds of delays


Each detonator comes in an anti-static bag


UN no.: 0360, Category: B1.1